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The Bedroom

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The Bedroom.

OK, we all like to snoop around. Yes, sex does go on here. We can tell that by the vibro-contraceptive futon. It's a totally safe contraceptive method that puts barrier and pill methods to shame. To work, it just needs a bit of information about your body. It gets that from the toilet, as we'll see. Then it vibrates you at one of several very precise frequencies. Simple as that. Feels good, too.

On the wall by the mirror is the nanotech tattoo programmer. It allows you to change your tattoo every day. You'll feel your skin crawl as tiny agents drag the subcutaneous ink into new shapes.

Let's open the closet. Those are musical shoes; they generate music as you walk. Above, there's a rail of intelligent clothes. These garments can sense your mood and change their color accordingly. They can also capture heat energy at the warm parts of your body and radiate it up to the cooler extremities -- your head, hands and feet. That's welcome on a cold day, even with today's mild winters.

Piezofabrics turn your body into a low-voltage electric generator. You'll appreciate this when we see some of the gadgets in the rest of the house. Some you won't see, because they're already inside you. They need power too.

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