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Designing the secret place of her own.

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Designing the secret place of her own.

The first principle
the line. There are two forms of lines of vertical and horizontal. In Extreme, home design can use one as a basic style home design. That is, there is a building with a strong horizontal pattern. There are also buildings with strong vertical pattern.

Houses with a horizontal pattern suggests a soft, clean and create a calm atmosphere. While the house with vertical lines solid impression and formal.

In addition to vertical and horizontal, of course there are other types of lines such as italic, or arch. But the point, you should be able to make one line as a consistent theme of the house rhythm and harmony. Integrating vertical and horizontal lines to your common architecture will be very risky. Therefore my advice, you should choose a vertical or horizontal dominance in your own home.

The second principle is the texture
Texture can be physical. Namely texture used building materials. As rough, smooth, bumpy, and so on. But the texture can also be visual. That is the impression gained from the repetition of the line shapes and colors. What especially needs to be considered in designing the house is a visual texture. Structuring natural stone, brick, or aluminum that harmony will make your home character. Physical texture of soft aluminum cause different visual textures for design composition. When aluminum is in shades difinishing, visual effects would be stronger.

The third principle is to use sunlight as an ornament of the house
The basic principles of good home design is, the sunlight can enter all of space in the house. Furthermore, the sun can be a source of good home design. To reduce the sharp sunlight, you can use glass or polycarbonate filters.

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