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House small type indicate the limitations of owner funds. It may be, the sentence is true. Because again, the funds, for most young couples, is the most important considerations in determining the size of a small dream house.

Only, not wise even when "stop" in size. In fact, the creative spirit, which houses a small type at most only have two bedrooms, the owner actually makes the heart "great". So, take pride in a house small type.

Proud to have a small type of house because:

1. You are likely to spill all the creativity utilizing every corner of space for occupancy nan comfortable for you and the whole family.

2. House small type still have room for the page. So from that, prepare a small garden with a plant height at most 50 cm. For example, jasmine (Jaminum sambac). In addition to the air filter, even the smell of jasmine fragrance.

3. By the impression of vast, consider only the bedroom and the bathroom was massive walls. Another room should only be limited nonpermanen partition. In fact, dresser and couch can be brightly colored insulation.

4. Living room walls will be impressed if painted with a broad soft colors tend to be bright yellow or blue like the sky. Then, the choice of furniture was sought close to the wall color.

5. House small type will also feel relieved if the flow of air and sunlight reach more freely. In this case, ventilation and glass play an important role. Bedrooms, the main well and good if the others will have a window associated with open space in the back or front. Familiarize also use bunk beds to save space.

6. Problem lighting, choose yellow. You see, the color was impressive fresh, natural, and warm. In contrast, white fluorescent lights instead of cold and formal nuance.


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